RPG Miniatures


Barbarian1 metal
Barbarian Warrior 1

 The Barbarian Warrior 1 set contains one model consisting of three parts (miniature body, shield and 25mm round base).  





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 730
Barbarian2 3
Barbarian Warrior 2

 The Barbarian Warrior 2 set contains one model consisting of four parts (miniature body, shield, right hand with axe and 25mm round base).  





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 729
Bullterrier 1


The Bullterrier set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 723
DwarfFighter w2 295
Dwarf Fighter

The Dwarf Fighter set contains one model consisting of four parts (body, axe, shield and 25mm round base).  


in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 701
Elf ranger 1
Elf Ranger


The Elf Ranger set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 713
FemaleDruid w1 295
Female Druid


The Female Druid set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 705
femalefighter1 w1 295
Female Fighter


The Female Fighter set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 702
FemaleRanger1 p 295 0001 pozadi kopie 8
Female Ranger


The Female Ranger set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 712
Female Rogue 1
Female Rogue

The Female Rogue set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  






in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 732
femalewizard1 w 295 custommademinis com.psd 0004 Layer 1
Female Wizard


The Female Wizard set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 706
archer1 2
Fyrd Archer 1


The Fyrd Archer 1 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 724
archer2 metal
Fyrd Archer 2


The Fyrd Archer 2 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 725
Goblin engeneer metal
Goblin Engineer


The Goblin Engineer set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 734
Goblin Fighter 1
Goblin Fighter


The Goblin Fighter set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 714
Greyhound 1


The Greyhound set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 716
HalflingFemaleRogue1 p 295 0001
Halfling Female Rogue

The Halfling Female Rogue set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  






in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 707
Halfling Rogue1 295p 0006
Halfling Rogue

The Halfling Rogue set contains one model consisting of three parts (miniature, crossbow and 25mm round base).  






in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 708
halftroll1 w 295 0002 HalfTroll1 w1b 295 custommademinis com
Halftroll Fighter


The Halftroll Fighter set contains one model consisting of three parts (miniature body, weapon and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 721
Fighter1 w1 295 custommademinis com
Human Paladin

The Human Paladin set contains one model consisting of three parts (body, shield and 25mm round base).  



in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 709
Priest metal
Human Priest


The Human Priest set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 733
Ranger1 w1 295 custommademinis com
Human Ranger


The Human Ranger set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 703
Rogue1 p1 295 custommademinis com
Human Rogue


The Human Rogue set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 710
wizard1 metal
Human Sorcerer


The Human Sorcerer set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 711
Wizard2 2
Human Wizard


The Human Wizard set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 731
Lemmy 001
Lemmy - The Survivor
(–50 %)

The Lemmy - the Survivor set contains one model which consists of four parts (body, left and right hand and scenic round base 25mm).  

in stock  (9 pcs)
Code: 700
Mastif 1


The Mastiff set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 715
Norseman fighter metal
Norseman Fighter

 The Norseman Fighter set contains one model consisting of four parts (miniature body, shield, axe and 25mm round base).  





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 728
NorsmanSlayer1 w1 295 custommademinis com
Norseman Slayer

 The Norseman Slayer set contains one model consisting of three parts (miniature body, two-handed axe and 25mm round base).  





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 704
Sorceress2 w 295 0000 Background kopie 2
Novice Sorceress


The Novice Sorceress set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 735
SkurutFighter1 w 295 0000 Layer 2
Skurut Fighter


The Skurut Fighter set contains one model consisting of four parts (miniature body, weapon, shield and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 722
VapireCountess1 w 295 0000 VapireCountess1 w1 295 custommademinis com
Vampire Countess

 The Vampire Countess set contains one model consisting of four parts (miniature body, cloth, right hand with sabre and 25mm round base). 





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 736
Wolf 1 1
Wolf 1


The Wolf 1 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 717
Wolf 2 1
Wolf 2


The Wolf 2 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 718
Wolf 3 1
Wolf 3


The Wolf 3 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 719
Wolf 4 1
Wolf 4


The Wolf 4 set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (4 pcs)
Code: 720
Necromancer1 w 295 0000 Layer 23
Wretched Necromancer

 The Wretched Necromancer set contains one model consisting of three parts (miniature body, head and 25mm round base).   





in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 737
zombie1 p1 0015 zombie00
Zombie with Axe


The Zombie with Axe set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 726
zombie2 1
Zombie with Club


The Zombie with Club set contains one model consisting of two parts (miniature and 25mm round base).  




in stock  (5 pcs)
Code: 727
38 items total