30mm Sci-fi Conversion Bits

The Back Pack Flames set contains six torches of two slightly different types. They fits new Sisterhood models back packs.

The Back Pack Signum set contains three Fleur de Lys symbols. They can be used as an upgrade for a backpack, battle objective, top of Simulacrum Imperialis or Banners, decoration for SoB vehicles.

The Crusader Weapons set contains two different power weapons (sword and glaive), storm shield and and one purity parchment.

The Golden Halo set contains three decorative symbols. They can be used as an upgrade for a backpack of Sisters of Battle or Grey Knights models.

The Human Skulls set contains 10 skulls of 5 different designs, that can be used as trophies or scenery decoration.

The Hunter Killer Missile set contains one model consisting of six parts. It fits the hatches of Games Workshop (TM) tanks like Sisters of Battle Immolator or Rhino.

The Hussar Wings set contains five pairs of feathered crests and five back plates to attach them to the miniature. Each part has its own small integral pin to be easily attached.

The Imperial Guard Axes with Gauntlets set contains three different power axes with armored gauntlets. The gauntlets have integral pin to be easily attached to a miniature.

The Imperial Guard Shoulder Pads set contains ten shoulder pads of five designs.

The Orc Bazookas set contains two pairs of arms, two bazookas and two backpacks full of warheads!

The Purity Seals set contains 15 purity seals of nine different designs. They are mixed randomly, so the exact content may vary from that shown in pictures. The purity seals can be used as an upgrade for individual miniatures, vehicles or scenery.

The Raven Wing Upgrades set contains seven models (one sitting raven, one landing raven, three feathered ropes, one totem pole with raven skull and decorative shield with raven skull). Feathered ropes and sitting raven have integral pins to be easily attached to other miniatures.

The Remnants of Battle set contains five models (downed pilot, tombstone of an Imperial hero, shattered grave, officer's cap, power sword) and is convenient to create several Imperial Guard themed objective markers. Alternatively it can be used as a source of bits for a scenery or diorama.

The Seraphim Parchment Holders set contains five different purity seals which can be used as a support for "flying" models. Specially designed for Seraphim units, but can be used for other jump pack units as well. Two are designed to support miniature at jump pack, three support at the leg.

The Simulacrum Imperialis set contains three different pieces of simulacrum. They can be used as an upgrade for individual miniatures, vehicles or scenery.

The Sisterhood Eviscerators set contains two different chainswords (single and double handed) and three pieces of purity seals.

The Sisterhood Eviscerators with Gauntlets set contains two different chainswords (single and double handed) with armored gauntlet and three pieces of purity seals. The gauntlets have integral pin to be easily attached to a miniature.

The Sisterhood Heads set contains 6 different female heads, 2 of them with the mask.

The Sisterhood Maces with Gauntlets set contains three different power maces with armored gauntlets. The gauntlets have integral pin to be easily attached to a miniature.

The Sisterhood Nocturno Guns set contains two pairs of gauntlets holding Nocturno Pistols (right and left hand).

The Space Marine Axes with Gauntlets set contains three different power axes with armored gauntlets. The gauntlets have integral pin to be easily attached to a miniature.

The Space Marine Bionic Upgrades set contains five different bionic parts. The kit is developed as an upgrade to the Primaris Intercessor models, but it is suitable for any Primaris infantry.

The Space Marine Dual Swords set contains two pairs of armored gauntlets holding Power Falchions (right and left hand).

The Space Marine Thunderstrike Hammers set contains three double handed Power Hammers, two armored cabels and five purity seals.